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Recent Publications
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Below is a recent sampling of our discoveries of the role of a novel regulator of the neuronal cytoskeleton.

Witt, E.A., Stanton-Turcotte, D., Garay, P., Ge, J., and Iulianella, A. Characterization of Social and Repetitive Behaviors of Mllt11/Af1q/Tcf7c Conditional Knockout Mice. bioRxiv 10.1101/2024.07.31.606037;
Blommers, M., Stanton-Turcotte, D., Witt, E.A., Heidari, M., and Iulianella, A. Cerebellar granule cell migration and folia development requires Mllt11/Af1q/Tcf7c. Developmental Neurobiology, 2024, 84(2): 74-92.
Zinck, N., Stanton-Turcotte, D., Witt, E.A., Blommers, M., and Iulianella, A. Innervation of cranial muscles requires Mllt11/Af1q/Tcf7c function during trigeminal ganglion development. bioRxiv 2024.02.16.580667;
Blommers, M., Stanton-Turcotte, D., Witt, E.A., Heidari, M., and Iulianella, A. Cerebellar granule cell migration and folia development requires Mllt11/Af1q/Tcf7c. bioRxiv 2023.09.12.557458;
Blommers, M., Stanton-Turcotte, D., and Iulianella, A. Retinal neuroblast migration and laminar organization require cytoskeletal-interacting protein Mllt11. Developmental Dynamics. 252(2): 305-319. Highlighted by the journal.
Stanton-Turcotte, D., Hsu, K., Moore, S.A., Yamada, M., and Iulianella, A. Mllt11 regulates the migration and neurite outgrowth of cortical projection neurons during development. Journal of Neuroscience. 42 (19): 3931-3948. Cover May 2022. Featured in the Journal of Neuroscience, 42 (19) 3878.
MacDonald, K., and Iulianella, A. The actin-cytoskeleton associating protein BASP1 regulates neural progenitor localization in the neural tube. Genesis. 60(1-2) e23464.
Moore, S.A., and Iulianella, A. Development of the Mammalian Cortical Hem and its derivatives: the Choroid Plexus, Cajal-Retzius Cells, and Hippocampus. Open Biology. 11(5): 210042.
Holt, E., Stanton-Turcotte, D., and Iulianella, A. Development of the Vertebrate Trunk Sensory System: Origins, Specification, Axon Guidance, and Central Connectivity. Neuroscience. 458: 229-243.
Tao, H., Lambert, J-P, Yung, T.M., Zhu, M., Hahn, N.A., Li, D., Lau, K., Sturgeon, K., Puviindran,V., Zhang, X., Gong, W., Chen, X. X., Anderson, G., Garry, D.J., Henkelman, R.M., Sun, Y., Iulianella, A., Kawakami, Y., Gingras, A-C, Hui,C-C., and Hopyan, S. IRX3 and IRX5 regulate sister chromatid segregation and limb bud shape. Development. 147 (19): dev180042. .
Iulianella, A. and Stanton-Turcotte, D. The Hedgehog receptor Patched1 regulates the proliferation, neurogenesis, and axon guidance in the embryonic spinal cord. Mechanisms of Development. 160: 103557.
Iulianella, A., Wingate, R.J., Moens, C.B., and Capaldo, E. The generation of granule cells during the development and evolution of the cerebellum. Developmental Dynamics. 248(7): 506-513.
Iulianella, A., Sakai, D., Kurosaka, H., Trainor, P.A. Ventral neural patterning in the absence of a Shh activity gradient from the floorplate. Developmental Dynamics. 247 (1): 170-184. doi: 10.1002/dvdy.24590. Cover article (Feb 2018).
Iulianella, A. Cutting Thick Sections using a Vibratome. Cold Spring Harb Protoc.; 2017 (6): pdb.prot094011. doi: 10.1101/pdb.prot094011.
Capaldo, E., and Iulianella, A. Cux2 serves as a novel lineage marker of granule cell layer neurons from the rhombic lip in mouse and chick embryos. Developmental Dynamics. 245 (8): 881-896.
Pal, R., Ramdzan, Z.M., Duquette, P., Marcotte, R., Leduy, L., Davoudi, S., Lamarche, N., Iulianella. A., and Nepveu, A. CUX2 functions as an accessory factor in the repair of oxidative DNA damage. J. Biol. Chem. 290 (37): 22520-22531.
Kurosaka, H., Trainor. P.A., Leroux-Berger, M., and Iulianella, A. Cranial nerve formation requires Shh signaling cross-talk with the canonical Wnt pathway to maintain neural crest-placode cell interactions. PLoS One. 10(3):e0120821.
Yamada, M., Clark, J., McClelland, C., Capaldo, E., Ray, A., and Iulianella, A. Cux2 defines a sub-population of neurogenic progenitors in the hippocampus. Hippocampus. 25: 253-268. Cover article.
Yamada, M., Clark, J., and Iulianella, A. MLLT11/AF1q is differentially expressed in maturing neurons during development. Gene Expression Patterns. 15: 80-87.
Wittmann, W., Iulianella, A., and Gunhaga, L. Cux2 acts as a critical regulator for neurogenesis in the olfactory epithelium of vertebrates. Developmental Biology. 388: 35-47.
Kurosaka, H., Iulianella, A., Williams, T., and Trainor, P.A. Disrupting hedgehog and WNT signaling promotes cleft lip pathogenesis. Journal of Clinical Investigation.124: 1660-1671. Cover article.